Federal Office for Agriculture and Food

Privacy policy for BLE technical applications

1. Why this privacy statement?

Below, please find information on our policy regarding the collection of personal data in case you use this internet offer. Personal data are all data which refer to you personally, i.e. your name, address, E-mail address, user behaviour. We are obliged to collect such data pursuant to § 13 (1) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation EU 2016/679, GDPR, in short).

2. Who is a responsible provider?

The Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) is responsible, pursuant to Art. 4 (7) GDPR and service provider pursuant to § 13 Telemediengesetz (TMG, Telemedia Act), please also refer to our imprint.

3. What are my rights?

In principle, your rights regarding our use of your personal data follow from the GDPR and, in addition, from the Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG, Federal Data Protection Act).

Accordingly, you have the following rights regarding your personal data:

  • the right to information (see Art. 15 GDPR and § 34 BDSG)
  • the right to correction (see Art. 16 GDPR)
  • the right to deletion ("the right to be forgotten", see Art. 17 GDPR and § 35 BDSG)
  • the right to limited processing (see Art. 18 GDPR and § 35 BDSG)
  • the right to object to processing (see Art. 21 Abs. 1 GDPR and § 36 BDSG)
  • the right to data transfer (see Art. 20 Abs. 1 GDPR)

You are also entitled to turn to a Supervisory Authority on Data Protection, if you believe that we infringed on provisions regarding data protection when we collected, processed or used your personal data. The Supervisory Authority on Data Protection competent for us is the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information. To be contacted here.

If you consented to the use of data, you can revoke that at any time (see Art. 7 (3) DS-GVO).
Please address all inquiries for information regarding our internet offer, questions, or objections to data processing via e-mail to datenschutz@ble.deor to the address mentioned in our imprint.

4. What data is collected and stored?

If you use this internet offer for information purposes only, i.e. if you do neither register nor transfer any kind of information to us, we do not collect any personal data, except for those transferred by your browser in order to allow access and use. Use for information purposes only means that you neither register for any newsletter or event nor transfer any other data to us (for instance via a contact form to order an item), your browser transfers the following data:

  • IP address
  • date and time of request
  • time zone difference in relation to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
  • content of request (actual internet page)
  • access status/http status code
  • each volume of data transferred, in byte
  • web page that issued the request (link)
  • browser used
  • operating system and its surface
  • language and version of browser software.

These data are stored in a log file for a maximum of 14 days at the web server level (due to a legitimate interest in defending against cyber attacks).

5. Using the options to contact our internet offer

When you contact us by e-mail or via a contact form, we store your e-mail address and, in case you indicate them, your name and your telephone number, in order to respond to your inquiry or answer your questions.

We delete data that occur in this context when we no longer need to store them, or we limit the options to process them where statutory storage obligations apply.

6. Using the technical functions of our internet offer (i. a. technical procedures, collection of forms)

The BLE is the authority competent for the operation of the electronic database Nabisy, which allows the issuance and management of proofs of sustainability (§ 66 Biokraft-NachV and § 74 BioSt-NachV – hereinafter referred to as “Regulations”).

a. Purpose and legal basis

In this context, the BLE needs, among other things, personal data, or data referable to a person, of database users.

In order for you to be able to use Nabisy, the BLE needs the following information, which it obtains through the certification system you use (§ 39 of the above Regulations):

In case of legal persons:

  • company name, legal form and address
  • company e-mail address, telephone and fax number(s)
  • name and address of the company’s legal representative
  • e-mail address, telephone and fax number(s) of the legal representative
  • name, e-mail address, telephone and fax number(s) of a contact person

In case of natural persons:

  • company name, legal form and address
  • company e-mail address, telephone and fax number(s)
  • name, e-mail address, telephone and fax number(s) of a contact person

Your system will confirm this information to the BLE by forwarding your application for access to the BLE (§ 62 or § 70 of the Regulations).

In case of suppliers pursuant to § 17 (3) No. 2 Biokraft-NachV, and of installation- and network - operators, these data are provided to the BLE directly in connection with an application, as this information is required pursuant to § 62 or § 70 of the Regulations.

As accesses are personalised, the name, related company, telephone number and e-mail address of each person who requests access to the web application is collected.

In addition, we collect an e-mail address of your company to be able to send you Nabisy-related information (such as updates, information regarding fault messages concerning the database, etc.).

Details on sustainability, entered in Nabisy by last interfaces, are needed to create a proof of sustainability pursuant to §§ 14 ff. of the Regulations and are stored in the web application.

b. Contact details of the responsible party

Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE)
Referat 523
Deichmanns Aue 29
53179 Bonn, Germany

c. Recipients or categories of recipients of the personal data

Pursuant to § 65 and § 73 of the Regulations, and to implement the Regulations or to fulfil reporting obligations, the BLE may transfer information to the German federal government, namely to:

1. the following federal authorities:
a. the Federal Ministry of Finance,
b. the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy,
c. the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture,
d. the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety and to
e. the subordinate authorities of these federal ministries, in particular the Federal Network Agency, the Federal Environment Agency and the body responsible for biofuels pursuant to § 37d (1) of the Federal Immission Control Act,

2. authorities of other member states of the European Union and of third countries and their other entities pursuant to § 23 (1) Number 1 to 3 of the Regulations,
3. institutions of the European Union,
4. recognised certification systems and
5. recognised certification bodies

However, these are not access data, but rather data from proofs of sustainability issued by users.

d. Duration of storage

We will delete data that remain with the BLE in this context as soon as their storage is no longer necessary, or we shall limit the options to process them where statutory storage obligations apply.

7. Does this offer use cookies?

When you use our internet offer, cookies are usually stored on your device.

A cookie is a short entry in a special data file of your device. A cookie serves the purpose of exchanging information between computer programmes or that of archiving information for a limited period of time. Cookies cannot execute programs or transmit viruses to your computer. They are generally meant to make the internet offer more user-friendly and more effective. Cookies help, for instance, to ensure that a selected font size remains the same when different subpages are called up.

Most browsers (such as the Internet Explorer and Firefox) are set to accept cookies automatically. However, you may deactivate the storage of cookies or you can set your browser so that cookies are stored for the duration of each connection to the internet only. This website only uses so-called transient cookies for temporary use. Transient cookies are automatically deleted when you close the browser. This includes in particular the session cookies. These save a so-called session ID, with which various requests from your browser can be assigned to the common session. This means that your device can be recognized when you return to this website. The session cookies are automatically deleted when you log out or close the browser.

8. Which evaluation software is used?

Currently, no software is used to evaluate usage and tailor our offers to requirements ("tracking").