Federal Office for Agriculture and Food


Federal Office for Agriculture and Food

Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE)

Dr. Margareta Büning-Fesel
Deichmanns Aue 29
53179 Bonn
Telephone: +49 (0)228 6845-0
Fax: +49 (0)30 1810 6845-3444
E-Mail: info@ble.de

Responsible for the Content
Isabell Friess, Referat 611, BLE
E-Mail: Isabell.Friess@ble.de

Internet Editors
Friederike Kolbe, Referat 611, BLE
Maike Pfeilsticker, Referat 611, BLE
Marion Meinke, Referat 611, BLE
E-Mail: online-redaktion@ble.de

Design, Conception and Technical Realisation
BLE, Referat 611 – Behördenkommunikation

Informationstechnikzentrum Bund

Legal notice

Sales tax identification number

The sales tax identification number according to § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz is DE 114 110 249.


The Federal Office for Agriculture and Food administrates many tasks in the areas of agriculture and nutrition. In some of these areas, in order to be able to issue a legally relevant declaration such as filing an application or lodging an appeal, formal requirements have to be followed. In your own interest, please always thoroughly check if your request must be put forward in a specific form in order to be effective.

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No liability can be accepted for completeness, editorial and technical mistakes, omissions as well as for correctness of the contents. The entries do not represent legally binding advice of the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food and shall only serve as information.

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The following rule applies to all links on these websites: we stress that we neither have any influence on the design or contents of websites of other providers accessible through links from our homepage nor do we adopt the contents as our own. This statement applies to all websites of this homepage and the links set there.

Please notify the editorial office (internet) if the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food refers to websites whose contents give cause for complaint.

The editorial office (internet) of the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food reserves the right to amend, supplement or delete the information provided without prior notice.


Unless otherwise noted, the copyright for texts and images lies with the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food.
Texts (not images and graphics) on this page are under a Creative Commons Attribution ("CC BY-NC-ND 4.0"), unless otherwise indicated.